I made a VIM keybinding that inserts a valid zod datetime.
This blog uses metadata for the published date time validated by a zod schema:
import { z } from "astro:content";
export const blogSchema = z
author: z.string().optional(),
pubDatetime: z.date(),
title: z.string(),
postSlug: z.string().optional(),
featured: z.boolean().optional(),
draft: z.boolean().optional(),
tags: z.array(z.string()).default(["others"]),
ogImage: z.string().optional(),
description: z.string(),
export type BlogFrontmatter = z.infer<typeof blogSchema>;
An example of the pubDatetime is this:
pubDatetime: 2023-03-21T10:05:48-04:00
This would be incredibly painful to type out by hand so I set about to find a nice way to insert this with a VIM keymap.
First, we need sane date logic from the command line. I’m on MacOS so need to install coreutils:
brew install coreutils
Check out the awesome date stuff we get in the coreutils docs!
After installed you can prefix bash commands with g
to get the good stuff.
We could get fancy with all the formatting, but what we really want is the ISO string:
gdate --iso-8601=seconds
This date passes our zod validation so now we just need to wire it up to a VIM mapping:
["<leader>pd"] = "g:r!gdate --iso-8601=seconds<cr>"